We create green future…
About us
Ergo Solar is the official authorized distributor of the SolaX Power brand on the Polish market. We are not an installation company, we only distribute SolaXPower Co., Ltd. products, providing support at all stages of cooperation: from choosing the right product, through training to technical support.
Our offer includes a full range of manufacturer’s devices, and these are: string inverters, hybrid and energy storage, and from October also chargers for electric cars and adapters for heat pumps.
First of all, we are a team involved in the development of the SolaXPower brand on the Polish market, because it is a brand that has convinced us with its reliability and innovation. What distinguishes the SolaXPower brand is a 10-year presence on the market as well as constant development ensuring the safety of users of SolaX products. It is a company employing almost 500 employees with a high level of process automation. It is a brand present in 120 countries and the No. 1 brand in the Czech Republic in terms of market coverage and recognition, as well as one of the most frequently chosen inverter brands in Italy and Australia.
Behind the quality of our products are the highest-class components from which the inverters are built. In Poland, SolaXPower is not yet recognizable on a large scale, but as proof of quality and reliability, SolaXPower gives a 10-year warranty for residential inverters, including the first 5 years, in case of problems, the inverter is replaced 1:1. We also have a 24h fast service track, while 95% of reported problems do not concern the equipment itself, but the registration in the SolaXCloud application. SolaXPower was the first to release a hybrid inverter to the Asian market in 2013, now we have the latest improved version of the 4th generation hybrid inverters and Retrofits to expand an existing installation with any string inverter available on the market by
Our energy stores. When it comes to applications dedicated to our inverters, we have the SolaXCloud application for residential inverters and the SolaXProject platform dedicated to inverters from 20kW upwards.

Energy storage

Single phase inverters

Three-phase inverters

Contact us!

Atrium Centrum Warszawa
Aleja Jana Pawła II 27, 00-867 Warszawa
Formularz kontaktowy:
E-mail: office@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 22 300 86 58
E-mail: mr@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 796 626 494
E-mail: milena@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 607 201 748
E-mail: aj@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 22 300 86 58
DZIAŁ TECHNICZNY wsparcie techniczne klienta
E-mail: info@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 662 430 292
E-mail: szkolenia@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 22 300 86 58
E-mail: lj@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 513 06 00 06
E-mail: efaktura@solaxpowerpoland.pl
Tel: +48 22 300 86 58
SolaX Power produkuje jedne z najbardziej wydajnych inwerterów słonecznych dostępnych obecnie na rynku. Umożliwiamy naszym klientom wykorzystanie jeszcze większej ilości darmowej, czystej energii.